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Sacred Ceremony

Welcome to “Our Temple of Transformation”, Mind, Body & Soul integration – In our “Sacred Ceremony”, we offer you a consecrated space for healing, purification, and expansion of awareness. Spiritually & Energetically prepare and program to support Your Journey of Transformation.
“Our Purpose is a path of commitment for providing healing and supporting enlightening humanity”

Why is it Important to be part of our Sacred Ceremony?

Our Sacred Ceremony is so much more than just a ceremony. It is a process of many steps we apply in our healing journey, leading to experiencing the transformation from the body through energy healing, mantras and meditation, and Sound vibrational healing with Gong & Giant Folks specially tuned to open up your pineal Gland and 3rd Eye.

Creating the space to embrace a Relationship with theDivine Beings of Nature and Plant’s medicine. We specifically will be serving in rounds Rapéh well known as the Shamanic Snuff with the support of healing subliminal suggestions for past trauma healing, and the rebirth process. Clearing negative emotions and limiting Programs.

Then, after a tailored process of deep and thorough healing, we will micro-dose Aya’s “The Higher Consciousness” of healing and expansion. At this point, you will enter into a direct connection with your Higher Soul.

Rapéh will be ready to open the doors for The Aya’s Consciousness” bringing your consciousness to the next level for your own growth and revelations. 

Closing the Ceremony with Hot and Cold Plunges to Anchor the Realisations and take with you all your learnings

What Problem Do We Solve?

  • Are you looking for Spiritual Healing or Personal Growth?
  • Are you wanting to improve your life using the wisdom of thousands of years of humanity & Nature?
  • Are you wanting to be part of a Ceremony that brings easter & western world wisdom all together?
  • Are you curious about Plant Medicine, Rapéh, Aya, the Rituals, and the Journey?

Our Sacred Ceremony is a beautiful process of removing your inner obstacles, limitations, and blockages that prevent you from being at your best.

“Integrate your Higher Soul Vibes into our Life”

Sound Healing, Meditation, Etheric-body work – Aura and Chakra healing, Cristal and Healers.
“Re-birth Healing Process”, timeline therapy & “Time Travel Your Sucess”, bring success to your
future. “Plant Medicine”, Sageging, Rapéh Serving Aya-Microdose.

Sacred Ceremony

Our Promise –

First, It Is To Help You Create The Space Inside You and Access Your Inner Peace & Wisdom. Then, Bring Your Higher Intelligence & Soul Vibes Into Your Life!

Contact Me

Sacred Ceremony here we come!

Sacred Ceremony

Coming Soon

Step No. 1 –  Book a 15-minute call Q&A for Best Results. 

Book a 15-minute call I will explain to you the process, requirements, and the process and how to prepare before the ceremony, and the process of integration after the ceremony. I will walk you through the steps and options to set you up for the best results You Could Possibly have!

Step No 2 – Download our guidance.

Please download our guidance.
Read it & prepare for our 15-minute calll

Step No 3 – Stay Connected

Let us keep you informed and be part Mailing List!
We will keep you informed of our calendar of Ceremonies and integration support, tools, books, videos, podcasts, and related activities.

Step No 4 – Free Integration Session after the ceremony
Limited vacancy – Reserve Yours in Advance!!!


An Afternoon of Pure Magic

Experience the Purification Process and Freedom! Connect with High-Vibration Souls

  • Saging and Smudging: Unite with Divine Beings of Nature
  • Crystal Healing: Restore Your Aura & Chakras
  • Giant Forks Sound Healing: Dissolve Obstacles with Ultimate Vibrations
  • Rapéh Introduction & Serving: Elevate Spirituality with Shamanic Medicine
  • Spiritual Healing & Meditation: Activate Heart & Crown Chakras, Connect with Higher Self
  • Micro-dose of Aya: Grandmother AYA’s Safe Guidance for Clarity and Healing
  • Subliminal Healing: Reprogram your UNCONSCIOUS Mind for Inner Peace, Bliss, Prosperity
  • “Water Purification”: HOT & COLD Plunges – Release Unneeded Energies in a Soothing Hot Tub
  • Healers Clearing Your Path: Erase Limiting Programs, Fear, Worry, Anger, Sadness, and Depression.

Ignite Your Soul’s Connection and Inner-Wisdom!
The Divine Gathering @ Our Temple

Unlock Your Soul, Embark on a Journey of Personal & Spiritual Growth