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This “Christmas Specials” Only for my Dear clients.  

Christmas Specials

50% to 70% OFF 

Limited Time Special. Act now! 

This is my first time creating a “Christmas Specials”. You will make me very happy if you take care of yourself and use this special today. That is the reason why I dropped my prices by 70% to remove any money limitation and to show you how much I value you as a client. Let’s continue doing the work.

Please, contact me directly!

I invite you to text or call me at my personal number for a FREE Discovery Session (786) 277.6940

FerCoaching Services

Life Coaching, Spiritual Advisor & Energy Healing 

My goal is to inspire you to continue with your personal growth. I dream about your personal development and the empowerment of your life. I want you to be able to plan 2023. I know you plan your vacations, your yoga class, gym, and other important activities in your life I want you to include “FerCoaching Services” as part of your personal planning. I want you to include me 🙂 . You and Me creating more magic again, from energy-clearing sessions to any of the coaching services that you have hired me for in the past or any of the “New Services” that I am offering now. I thought that if you have from 50% OFF to 70% OFF the Value of any of these services it will be easier for you to take advantage and include your self-development in your planning.

Christmas Specials Include 2 New Services Breakthrough Session & Coaching For Coaches

"The Breakthrough Session & Coaching"

Life Changing  & Empowering

"Coaching for Coaches"

Develop your skills into expertise & confidence.

Conventional Services

Professional Coaching

for Business & Life Balance

Monthly Coaching Packages

Energy work & Coaching

Spiritual guidance & Healing treatments

Energy Work Packages

Please, contact me directly!

I invite you to text or call me at my personal number for a FREE Discovery Session (786) 277.6940

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